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Romanticize your Life


(An introspective piece for insight on how you can romanticize your life.)

When I was in my early 20's all I could think about was traveling and my career. I wanted a successful career and to travel the world. That last thing I thought about was getting married or starting a family. I actually was adamant on not having kids. I went to college and unexpectedly fell in love with my now husband. Our first few years dating, we travelled all over together, partied together and moved in together. I made a cozy home in our tiny one bedroom apartment. I loved it, it was ours. Our little bubble, that no matter how long the days were, how bad or good, it was comforting to have somewhere to lay my head at the end of the night. A space that felt special, just for us, intimate, our little apartment was a home. This was the first time I experienced real peace and quite as I would sit on the fire escape overlooking the Hudson river and NY bridge, drinking coffee as the sun would rise on passing ships. I spent endless mornings sitting at the fire escape reading books and writing stories while drinking tea or coffee. I started to really explore my identity and my interests.

the actual view from my fire escape in that tiny 1bdrm apt

When I became pregnant, we moved into our next apartment, that was equally cozy. Just big enough for our little family. This one felt even more like home as I started fantasizing about a little baby crawling around the house and starting Christmas traditions, decorating the tree together, having Thanksgiving dinner. The more time went on, the less and less I thought about traveling. The more my career goals shifted to maximize my family time. All I wanted was time. It's the only thing that's important to me, that matters. I've found so much joy in being home with my family. I've romanticized my life to the point that no amount of money or career status or free trips can convince me, that I don't have the best life I could have ever imagined, even if it's the furthest thing from what I planned or expected. What does it really mean to romanticize your life? Well, I sometimes sit back and reflect on my day as if it's a movie or TV show and my family is the cast, I watch my daughter in slow motion as if I'm watching a VHS family recording, reminiscing. I savor every single moment: the good, the bad, the ugly and find something to be grateful about in each one. I praise God every single day, because without Him, I wouldn't have any of this. I wouldn't know what this joy is.

To be able to romanticize your life, no matter what season your in, you have to be present. Fully in the moment of the day. You have to practice daily gratuity, because without this, you will never appreciate the gifts and treasure of the day. Without gratuity, your mind will be stuck in the "what ifs" of life. If I had a bigger home, I would be happier. If I was getting paid more, I would be happier. If my baby wasn't colicky, I would be happier. I should have never did this, and the list goes on.

Not a day goes by that I feel like I'm missing out on what my dreams "used" to be. When I travel, I enjoy it, but I also 100% miss being home, in my bed, in my comfort with my kids and husband. I LOVE making meals for my family and seeing them enjoy it down to the last crumb or the smell of a fresh baked bread filling the home. I absolutely enjoy waking up and having my toddler crawl in my bed with her blanky, just to be near me or be held. Call me crazy, but as of late, I have fallen in love with the mundane of everyday life. I think God designed a life for me that is better suited than anything I could've planned for myself. He's so good like that, He designed such beautiful lives perfectly tailored to each and every one of us.

I wanted to share this post as a seed. To see the beauty in even the mundane, because not everyone is living the most extravagant lifestyle, and that doesn't make it any less beautiful. Some of us are literally just trying to survive in some seasons, and that's totally okay! There is a season for everything. But don't give up on the value that your spirit brings by waking up in the morning. Don't loose your smile in a world that doesn't have enough joy to go around. Love your life as it is, and it will bloom on it's own.


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