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Cozy season has fast approached and we are now entering chilled mornings, warm afternoons and even cooler nights. We've also been hit with a ton of rain in the east coast. If you're like me, searching for some ways to keep the kids entertained when the weather doesn't permit a family outing, look no further. Here is a list of family friendly indoor activity ideas to do on a rainy or chilled day.
Bake something together. I know, some of us do not like the idea of kids or even our partners cooking in the kitchen with us. But there's something so fond and special about memories of cooking with Mom or Dad. Food makes a special connection to the heart and soul and children will enjoy just being involved in the process with you. It's also great sensory play for the littles.
Build a fort. If you didn't build forts around your bunkbed as a kid, where was your childhood?
Have a movie-thon. Make a thing of it. Get all the blankets, make popcorn, get snacks. Really settle in for the long haul. You can even follow up with movie trivia after it's all done for some extra fun or end the movie marathon with a charades reenactment of your favorite scenes.
Game night. Family game nights can be a whole experience! Keep it light or get competitive and bet on who does household chores.
Sensory play. For the younger kids, a good sensory bin can keep them occupied for HOURS. You can DIY sensory activities or just use household items you see your children already love to play with. My toddler loves playing in water, so I gave her 3 bowls, 1 with colored water, 1 empty and 1 with less than a handful of dry mixed pasta noodles. 2 hours later she was cooking pasta with her army toys and super focused transferring water from one bowl to the next.
Arts and crafts. If you have young children, around age 5 and younger, it's always a good idea to keep a bin of crafts somewhere in the house for rainy days. These come in so handy when you need them to do a little solo play to maybe get some house chores done. It can also be just as fun, even as an adult, to do arts and crafts with them. I like to use variety packs you can purchase from Amazon that has feathers, buttons, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, stickers, googley eyes and all sorts of crafts and don't forget the glue! Here is the link to the pack I ordered.
Make an obstacle course. This is another fun one for younger children and toddlers. I keep activity play sets in the house. You can set it up for them to crawl on it themselves or as your child gets older, set up a course leading into a ball pit for them to race toys cars on. You can use my link to the one my toddler has. Climb and crawl activity play set and ball pit.
Make a house or tent. Similar to the fort, but a little more labor intensive, for you anyway. If you collect diaper boxes you can save them to cut up and tape into a mini house for your tot play imaginary house. Likewise, you can also keep a fairy tent and string up lights to create a cool space your kid won't want to leave.
Hide and seek. Kids love to play hide and seek! This will keep your little one giggling for hours as they hide underneath the blanket on the couch.
Have a dance party! If it's been a long week of feeling cramped up in the house, following strict routines and schedules that leave even you feeling like your stuck in the twilight zone. Feel free to let loose, blast your favorite tunes on the TV, grab your kiddo and shake and jump and twirl the routine away. Letting loose in a big way is a great release of pent up energy for you and your kids.
If you really need to get out the house but stay indoors, going to indoor play parks are always a go. I hope you have fun trying out some of these family friendly indoor activities.