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5 New Mom Must Haves


Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Hey Mama's! I'm assuming if your reading this post your an expecting or a new Mama. If you're anything like me when I had my first child, you'll be researching everything you possibly can about the experience, and some tips and tricks to help you out along the way. So let me start by saying Congratulations! Your little bundle of joy will be a game changer.

These are my 5 must have items for newborns born in the cold seasons

  1. Bulb syringe. You know that little rubber bulb with the long thin snout the nurses give you in the hospital? Yeah, that's a bulb syringe. This very quickly became a must have when baby came home. So much so, I ordered packs of them for the first few months so I didn't have to keep cleaning them. I used one for the nose, one for the mouth and kept one in the travel bag. The bulb syringe can be used when LO (little one) is choking on mucus in the first few days of life. It can also be used to suck up those tiny boogy monsters if you're not a fan of the NoseFreda like I was. This is kind of a two for one, but don't forget the saline drops. It'll soften and loosen the mucus in baby's nose to make for an easier extraction.

  2. Gripe water. Now, I didn't actually know what this was until a friend suggested this 2 months in. I've never even heard of gripe water. It's essentially an herbal mixture used to help rid hiccups, soothe fussiness and gas. It was a game changer for hiccups. Which if your LO was anything like mine, they'll greatly appreciate an end to what seemed like painful hiccups. If you have a fussier baby that falls a little more on the colicky side of temperaments, maybe try Mylicon. This is stronger than just gripe water to alleviate stubborn painful gas that can contribute to colic behaviors.

  3. Burb cloth/ bibs. This must have feels like a no brainer. Believe me when I say, your pediatrician says, your parents say, that babies spit up A LOT. There is no truer statement made regarding babies. So to protect you and LO from going through several outfit changes a day, do yourself a great service and just use a burb cloth and/or a bib. You'll thank us later.

  4. Breast Pump(s). Now a breast pump is more of a subjective must have. I would just like to say up front. That there is no shade or shame to mothers who opt to not breastfeed for whatever reason. Personally, it is up to you and your baby what feeding method you choose. Fed is best. My parenting experience did not include success with breastfeeding. So I supplemented formula and exclusively pumped beginning at 3 months old. Some days LO had more formula than breast milk and vice versa. My nursing journey wasn't easy as I had anticipated pre-birth and seen on all the Youtube videos. If your anything like me, or not, just remember you are an amazing Mom and ultimately fed is best. For those of you who do nurse, however, having a breast pump around is handy. Sometimes LO doesn't fully empty the breast on a feeding or maybe you want to build up a freezer supply so Grandparents or Husband can do an occasional bottle feed while you rest. For mamas who exclusively pump, I cannot stress this enough, have MULTIPLE pumps. I originally had a Medela pump given from the insurance but eventually it just wasn't doing the job so I purchased the IKARE pump on Amazon and it was a game changer for about $50.00. I also have the Elvie pump which gets a 7 out of 10 rating (maybe 6) and a manual handheld pump because, you just can't have enough pumps right? Haha, that's a joke. We are so accustomed to technology but what if your electric pump breaks or there is a power outage? That manual will require work but will ultimately save the day.

  5. Baby Swing. Let me just say that I am a first time parent. I originally did not think of needing a swing, I didn't add it to my registry. I then found myself wearing my baby all around the house using a wrap because I had nowhere to put her and didn't feel comfortable leaving her in the Boppy unattended (which has now been discontinued due to high rates of infant death). Wearing your baby is also an option and deserves to be on this list but for the sake of keeping it short and sweet, sometimes LO doesn't want to be held. I know when my LO reached 4 months, she wanted to be held sometimes but also equally wanted to be laid on her back or sat in the chair. The wrap just didn't do it anymore for her. Just an added recommendation, opt for multiuse swings. I got the GRACO 2-1 bouncer, swing. The chair is detachable so LO can go with you wherever around the home. Baby can swing in 3 different directions, it vibrates and bounces.


I will also say, getting the K'Tan wrap was a plus. My LO went through a colicky phase, and the only thing that would soothe her was wearing her in my baby wrap. She would feel so snug to me that it would put her to sleep in a few moments. You can find this, like everything else on this list from Amazon, also Walmart.

I hope this was insightful for you Mama's! Let me know in the comments below if you would want a more detailed breast pump review. With that being said, "Until next time. Byyyyeeee!"


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